Embark on an enchanting journey of Shakespeare's timeless romantic comedy. Join two young couples and a group of bumbling actors as they venture into a magical forest on a midsummer's eve only to fall under the spell of the mischievous fairy Puck. Laughter and chaos ensue with mistaken identities and comedic escapades. Audiences of all ages will be captivated by the mesmerizing Mendelssohn score, breathtaking costumes and scenery, and beautiful dance sequences. Don’t miss this classic Shakespearean story brought to life by Maine State Ballet.
Performance Dates
Thursday, August 1 at 7pm
Friday, August 2 at 7pm
Saturday, August 3 at 7pm
Thursday, August 8 at 7pm
Friday, August 9 at 7pm
Saturday, August 10 at 2pm and 7pm
Tickets on Sale Now
Performed at Maine State Ballet's Lopez Theater
348 U.S. Route One
Falmouth, ME 04105
Reserved Seating
Ticket Prices: $21, $26, $29
$2 discount for children (12 and under) and seniors (62 and over)
Theater Box Office: 207.781.3587
$5.00 Processing Fee for Box Office and Phone Orders. Save this fee by ordering tickets online.
Approximate length: 1 1/2 hours