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Glenn Davis


Meet the Dancer


Q:  When did you start dancing?

A:  I started really late, as a senior in college after many years as an it's never too late to start!


Q:  What is your favorite ballet role and why?

A:  Basilio from Don Quixote - I love to dance as well as do comedy and drama. Don Q provides the perfect mix of all three.


Q:  What are your educational/career goals?

A:  I love teaching, coaching, and choreography. MSB gives me opportunities to do them all.


Q:  What are your hobbies?

A:  Skiing, cycling, walking, cooking, and traveling. I enjoy teaching at other schools throughout the world where I can share what I know, learn from others, and make new friendships.


Q:  What's your favorite quote?

A:  "Never stop moving!” – David Reese



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